About Buddhist Stupa

Basic Introduction about Buddhist Stupa Well Known Great Stupa of Bodhnath, Kathmandu Whoever visiting Buddhist countries or sites witnesses a pyramid-like structure erected on the base of a giant dome; some with decoration and some in simple form. Such particular structure in Buddhist term is called Stupa. In Sanskrit it is also known as Caitya. Nepal being the birth place of Lord Buddha and bearing the unbroken Buddhist Tradition than any other countries posses several Buddhist heritages. Among them the Stupa represents as the most important emblem for Buddhists. Every nook and corner of the historic section of Kathmandu valley (Kathmandu city itself, Patan, Bhaktapur, Kritipur and other ancient towns) is filled by interestingly decorated miniature stupas alongside the Hindu shrines and temples. Legendry Stupa of Soyambhu and equally historic Bouddha (Bodhnath) Stupas are considered to be holiest pilgrimage sites for Buddhist dev...