Story of A Climber Who Once Held World Record As A Youngest Everest Climber : Shambhu Tamang

Shambhu Tamang Photographed in 2017 - Mani Tamang Today, May 29 is the International Mt. Everest Day, declared by Nepal Government back in 2008. Though it's not popular in international level, Nepal commemorates this day with some events. This year such events are not taking place due to lockdown caused by Corona Virus. Through this blog post, I would like to share the story of rather unknown Nepali climbing hero Shambhu Tamang. While I was in school, I was only good at quiz contest that would take place once a year in a special event the school used to organize. Most students had no other chance to be part of extra curricular activity mainly because there were too many students to provide such facility with scarcely limited resources the school had. In the nationwide final exam of grade 10 we were 120 students from our class, all learned in a same class room. Teachers would not know most of their students' by names as there were just too many of us. In one occa...