Discovering Nepali Heritage Away From Nepal

"...Listen mighty king! This wonderful stupa is one that the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of the all times have actually dissolved into and in which they abide….It's like a wish-granting jewel which automatically answers any prayer that is made to it." Great Buddhist guru Padma Sambhava replying to King Thrisong Dechen of 8 th century in Tibet; quoted from the history of great stupa (Bouddha). Such are the praises found in the Buddhist scriptures about the historic Bouddha Stupa an iconic monument of Nepal, world heritage site declared by UNESCO and a principle pilgrimage site for Buddhist religious devotees from across the world. In Buddhist countries stupa or chaitya is one of the most common monuments build for spiritual purposes; thus, we find them in everywhere built in different sizes and designs dating back to different periods of the history. Bouddha Stupa Renovated after the Earthquake of 2015 Bouddha stupa also called Jyarung Khasyor by Tamangs a...